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A reminder that on Monday 5th December, we will be hosting our school community Christmas Carols on the lawns.
Each year group will take a turn in leading a Christmas carol, so come along for lots of singing and musical instruments.
The children are being encouraged to wear Santa hats, or anything bright and Christmassy!
From 5:30pm, there will be a sausage sizzle, coffee, ice blocks and cold drinks available to purchase. Alternatively, you can bring your own picnic, non-alcoholic drinks and snacks to share with your family.
You will also be able to purchase some fabulous Christmas craft created by our students.
Bring your picnic rugs, camping chairs and be ready for a 6:30pm start. The carols should be finished by approximately 7:30pm.
Cash is preferred as limited Eftpos facilities will be available.
See you there!
BYOD Information for Parents in Year 3
At St Francis, we run a BYOD program where the children bring their own Apple iPad device in Years 4 to 6. The booklet attached gives information to parents in Year 3 on what to purchase and how it will be used within the classroom. If further questions are needed a Microsoft teams meeting will be organised on Wednesday 7th during the day, and a link will be sent through Compass. Alternatively, you can email or call me for any further information.
All borrowed books should now be returned. Overdue notices will be sent home and emailed over the next couple of days. If your child is having trouble finding loaned books please contact me as many times these books will be in classrooms.
In week 10 we will be offering again this year the choice to borrow 6 books for the holidays. A note can be collected from the library or printed and then needs to be returned to the library before week 10. If you would like your child to select particular books please place this information on the note. Email Alison Bond for any further information.
Thank you to all the families who have paid their Term 4 school fee accounts. A reminder that these are now overdue and payment is required as a matter of urgency.
Thank you
Next week, Week 9, is the last week the Canteen will be open for Recess and Lunch orders in 2022. The Canteen will be closed in week 10.
Thank you for your support.