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Hello Families,
This coming Sunday's Gospel reading from Matthew is all about forgiveness. Jesus tells us to 'forgive your brother from your heart.” What a wonderful message but in reality, such a hard thing to do. I suggest that we think about what forgiveness does for us as well as the effect it can have on others. It teaches that we are to forgive as God has forgiven us. So, I ask you, how do you show forgiveness to those around you and are you able to perhaps do this a little better? Our little people take their lead from us ❤️.
Some important messages for the week:
Staff sharing Expertise
We have had many of our staff present their expertise with other staff in the Archdiocese over the past couple of weeks. Nat Radanovich, Nikki Arcidiacono and Emma Harris led Webinars across the diocese last week. On Saturday, Lauren Macdonald presented at the Best Practice Sharing Conference held at Merici College. We have so many wonderfully talented staff members and I thank them for sharing their wisdom so graciously with others.
First Eucharist
Congratulations to our Yr 5 students who made their First Holy Communion on over the past fortnight and this coming weekend. It was a beautiful celebration of this blessed sacrament which was beautifully celebrated in the presence of students and their families. I thank the parish, parents and Yr. 5 teachers for preparing the students for this occasion.
Learning Journeys
Parents and family members may visit the classrooms anytime between 2:15 - 4:30pm next Tuesday 19th September to experience the amazing learning that has been happening throughout the term. We look forward to seeing you!
Year 6 Market Day
Please support our Year 6 students who are holding the Market Day to raise money for Missions next Thursday 21st September between 11:40am and 1pm. Please see correspondence in Compass around this.
Please ensure that as we come to the end of the term that you have given reasons for all of your child's absences from school. You can do this via the Compass app or the online website.
A huge congratulations to our Netballers from Yrs. 2-6 on the successful completion of their season over the weekend. These players were recognised in front of the whole school community at our Awards Ceremony held today.
A huge thanks go out to the Netball committee for their work behind the scenes this year to run the club. A big thanks to Mr Hosie for being our staff representative and our parent committee members Sarah Lewis, Krista Mackintosh, Simone McCloskey and Michelle Fisher. Their commitment to the students and love of Netball is an incredible gift to our school community.
School Disco
Thank you to all our parent helpers and the Community Council for helping to run our Disco last Friday. Thank you also to Kathy in the canteen for providing the food. The kids said they had a great time. We also appreciated the feedback given and we will ensure that this is actioned at our next CC meeting.
Year 6 Debating
Last Wednesday was our final debate for our Year 6 students. They debated a total of four times and came away with 3 out of 4 wins, great job! Thanks to our wonderful Year 6 teaching team for all your organisation and preparation. Well done to our students, we are super proud of you all.
Dos and Don’ts on School Grounds
- I draw your attention to the following ACT Legislation regarding dogs on school grounds (Domestic Animals Act 2000) - Prohibited places (1) A person must not take a dog into the grounds of a child-care centre, preschool or primary school unless— (a) a keeper of the dog resides in the grounds; or (b) the dog is taken into the grounds with the permission of the principal or person in charge of the child-care centre, preschool or primary school. So, as cute as our little creatures are and as much as we would love to welcome them onto school grounds, we are asking you to please refrain from bringing your 4-legged friends onto the school grounds. This is for their protection as much as for the safety of our students.
- Please also bear in mind that, in line with Catholic Education policy (CE Policy “Smoking Free Environment"), smoking is prohibited in all areas of the school grounds, including the car park.
All CECG schools are designated smoking free environments. Smoking is prohibited in all CECG school environments, including but not limited to: school facilities, buildings, grounds, sports fields, vehicles on school grounds and car parks. All students, staff, other authorised persons and visitors are informed that schools are smoking free environments. - Drive Safely - ACT Police advise ( that in shared zones (such as our school carpark) where pedestrians and vehicles have access; motorists must not exceed 10km/h and must give way to pedestrians. With this last point in mind can we remind all parents that drop-off is along the coloured kerb near the front office gates, NOT, the BASCA gates. Please remember to drop-off in the correct, supervised area.
- We kindly ask that you DO NOT let your child play on the equipment after school, even if supervised by you. BASCA will once again be using this space and logistically it is a nightmare for teachers to tell who is with a parent for our legal duty of care. We have had a couple of incidences where parents have arrived in Pickers to pick up their child and they have been on the equipment unsupervised. We ask that the community supports our decisions and legal duty of care responsibilities around NO playing on equipment after school.
Uniform Checks
Summer Uniform commences in Term 4, so please check the wardrobe, and visit the Clothing Pool, Lowes (Savvy) or Workin' Gear if any items are needed. We will have the usual transition period early in Term 4 to cater for the unpredictable weather. That said, with the upcoming warmer weather scheduled to arrive a little earlier this year please know that if your child is wearing the full correct uniform, we will allow the summer uniform to be worn a little earlier if you warrant this for your child.
The teachers will also be conducting spot-checks randomly for correct uniform. If a child is wearing the incorrect uniform an A5 reminder note will be sent home and we are asking you to read, address the concern and return the slip, signed, to school. We also ask that a note accompany and reason for students to be out of the correct uniform. We appreciate your help and support with this matter. A reminder too, that black leather school shoes are an essential item of uniform. Several parents comment that their Year 6 child only has one term left at school. However, students also need black school shoes in high school.
2024 Intentions
If any student from Kinder - Year 5 are not intending to return to St Francis for the 2024 school year, can you please send an email to the front office to let them know, this does not include our Year 6 leavers. Office Email
Have an amazing weekend and week ahead.
Take care,
Annie McArthur
Acting Principal
First Eucharist Update:
We have had two weekends of First Eucharist Masses and have one weekend left of celebrating the students in our parish who are participating in this sacrament. Congratulations to those who have received Communion for the first time, and to those who will experience it this weekend, we are praying it will be a special, blessed time for you. If you would like to support these students, please come along to Holy Family Church to celebrate with our community.
Reconciliation Update:
Information has been sent home to families of students in Years 4-6 about participating in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. If you would like more information, or would like assistance with the enrolment process, please email
Year 4 Reflection:
On Wednesday last week, Father Namora visited 4 Kanbi. A few students have written a reflection about their visit to share with our community:
‘Last Thursday, Father Namora came to talk to 4 Kanbi. We have a poster in our lounge area where you can write questions for the priest. We asked what happened to Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus. We’ve only heard a little from the stories he was in, such as the stories of Jesus’ birth, and when the angels visited Joseph to help him. We were curious about this unspoken mystery.’ - Vivienne
‘Joseph was the father of our Lord, Jesus and was married to His mother, Mary. Surprisingly, he didn’t live to see Jesus on trial or on the cross. We learned that Joseph was a kind and just must man.’ - Milly B
‘Joseph protected and served Mary and Jesus. God trusted him, and Joseph believed in God.’ - Jack
‘Last Thursday, Father Namora gracefully taught 4Kanbi about Joseph. Joseph, a just and brave man, raised Jesus alongside his faithful wife, Mary. Joseph was always obedient to God and trustworthy, because he knows that whatever God told him to do, was for the best.’ - Jude
‘Last week, Father Namora came to 4Kanbi to discuss with us about Saint Joseph. He was the husband of Mary, the loving other of Jesus. Furthermore, he was fiercely loyal and trusted God. Keep in mind, Joseph was the human, earthly father of Jesus. Importantly, Joseph is referred to as a ‘just’ man, and he was also obedient. In summary, he is an honoured man who protected his wife and Jesus.’ - April
Market Day:
Market Day is coming in Week 10, and Year 6 are looking forward to running this fun day to raise money for Catholic Mission.
Catholic Mission is the Pope’s worldwide organisation. They respond to the call to love God and to love our neighbour (each other) by acting as the head, heart, and hands of Jesus. We all continue Jesus’ work through action and prayer and help others, by sharing resources such as clothes, money, food, and knowledge.
The aim of the Catholic Mission is to proclaim the Gospel, serve people in need, and act for peace, justice, and creation. They help many people all over the world, in places such as Africa, Asia and South America, as well as right here in Australia.
By holding Market Day at St Francis, we are raising money and awareness to support the Catholic Mission in their work. It is very important work, and while we enjoy the fun activities on this day, we pray for the people in need.
‘Love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another.’
John 13:34
Tickets are on sale and can be purchased via QKR until Tuesday afternoon next week. All money raised is donated to Catholic Mission. Tickets are $2 for 5 and children will be able to use these tickets at the stalls and participate in all the fun things year 6 have planned.
Retreat at Galong:
On Wednesday and Thursday this week, I was fortunate enough to attend the Religious Education Coordinator Retreat at St Clement’s in Galong. It was a wonderful, prayerful time for me to reflect on my own faith and experience a reflective and still environment (even if I did get swooped by a magpie at the end!) We looked at scripture, in particular Matthew 25: 42-46.
For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.
They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’
He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’
In this passage, we broke open the meaning and discussed the spiritual and corporal works of mercy. How these affect our daily lives, the lives of people in our community, what we as leaders can show through action. We also looked at how, as leaders in the school and classroom, we can give and show mercy to all, and how our choices can change a life.
This was an incredible experience, and I am blessed to have had the opportunity to attend. The people were welcoming, the food was delicious, and I had time to just be still and reflect.
Have a blessed week ahead.
Kind regards,
Natalie Radanovich
Acting Religious Education Corrdinator