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Dear Families
Spring Day
With the glorious weather we have been having of late we have decided to celebrate Spring. As such we will have a uniform free day tomorrow. We encourage the children to wear bright colourful clothes to school to acknowledge the wonderful changes that are happening in our environment.
The children have also been working towards an incentive for a fun afternoon. The children were challenged to reach 1000 ‘Gotchas’ in the last 2 weeks and have absolutely gone above and beyond, earning a whopping 3000 in total.
We are looking forward to a wonderful fun-filled day tomorrow.
Year 6 Day Camp
Last week Year 6 enjoyed a week of thrilling activities. Their 2 days at Birrigai gave all students and staff an opportunity to further develop relationships and to participate in challenging and team-building group exercises. Our students were a credit to the school and their families. Thank you students!
The other 2 days at school were a combination of problem solving activities and time for spiritual reflection with the upcoming celebration of their commitment to their faith when they receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.
I would like to thank our Year 6 teachers, Mrs Marshall, Mr Smith and Miss Corkery who worked tirelessly to ensure that our Year 6 students did not miss one of the highlights of their final year at Primary School.
Show Case
Our Show Case was set in our calendar for next week. Unfortunately with Covid restrictions we are still limited with people coming onto the premises. As such the teachers have been working very hard to come up with a way that parents can engage with their child’s learning this term.
Next week, each grade will send home some sort of interactive Showcase. We ask that you spend time with your child talking about the learnings and responding positively to their efforts this semester.
Below is a summary of what you can expect from each Year level. Further communication from your child’s teacher will come home next week.
Kindergarten will be creating a digital learning journey via SeeSaw. At school students will photograph work samples from across the curriculum to add to their "Journal" and then record voice overs to accompany each sample with further explanations. eg. writing sample, art work, reading, video of participation in gross motor, maths game, HASS project etc.
It will be uploaded for parents to access on Thursday of Week 10 and can be viewed on any of your devices - laptop, iPad, phone.
Some slides will be interactive and allow parents to give feedback to their child. The final slide will be a 3 stars and a wish template.
For Year One Showcase, parents will be receiving a take home pack about toys and games from the past. Please enjoy the games that have been included in the pack and send the teachers any photos of your family engaging in the activities. As a special addition to the pack the children have started sewing an olden day style calico bear using blanket stitch. Please assist your child to finish sewing and stuffing the bear. We would love to see the bears visit the classroom when they are completed.
We will send the Showcase packs home on Wednesday of Week 10.
Year Two will be sharing their learning through a game of I spy. Follow the steps on the procedure that we will supply. Open the Thinglink and follow the clues. We are proud of our learning this year in Year Two. This will be made available to parents on Thursday afternoon.
Year Three will be using Seesaw as a platform to showcase the children’s best work from this term. The children will choose the 3 pieces of work they are most proud of, this will be across all subjects. The children’s items will be posted on their personal Seesaw page on Wednesday 23 September.
Parents are encouraged to view the children’s efforts as a family and leave comments where they can.
Year Four is proud to present a three part learning journey which showcases our inquiry at school this term. This will be sent to parents on Thursday afternoon.
A day in the life of year 4…
Join us on a visual journey through our classrooms.
On your tour you will experience our art, our anchor charts, our explorer wall, our maths wall, our spelling prompts, our bump it up wall. Watch closely for glimpses of our literacy work and sport. Look at our use of our iPads to access resources that help us to synthesise and share our learning. We use our ICT resources to research, write and reflect, engage in game based learning and hand up some of our work. (Recorded tour of the classroom)
In a separate blockbuster event…you are cordially invited to the premier screening of our ‘Exploration and Discovery’ documentary. (Recorded presentations about an explorer the student has investigated to increase their understanding of how and why humans explore, and the consequences of exploration and discovery).
Our third offering for showcase involves entering into a world of words, images, sources, documentation and consequences of exploration. Join your child, as they guide you through a summary of some of the understandings they have built about how, why and what happens when humans seek (explore) and find (discover). (Thinglink or slides)
Just like all learning, viewing will only tell you half the story here.
While viewing, or after viewing, spend some time talking about the learning that has taken place in Year 4 this term.
Year Five will be creating an iMovie showcasing their Kinder Buddy stories and their Photography Portfolios from this term. Students will share these at home with their parents. This will be available to parents on Thursday.
Year Six - Our showcase will be our Economics product, combining our Religion Fair Trade and English infomercials. This will be done by using QR codes sent home via an image of their product. The code can be accessed by scanning the image. This will be sent home on Wednesday afternoon.
I would once again like to thank the staff for their flexibility and willingness to adapt to the current environment, ensuring that all students and parents are able to engage in a positive way with the wonderful learning experiences that are occurring at school.
Canteen Staff
Today saw us say farewell and good luck to the two amazing people who have worked in our canteen for many, many years, Mrs Jo Summerfield and Mrs Susan Lever. I am sure they have made many a lunch for your child/ren and have donated many additional hours to the school with Discos and Red Days as extra duties. They are very dedicated to the school and will be deeply missed. Today the children presented them with a gift card and flowers to show their appreciation. Thank you so much Jo and Sue, we wish you all the very best in your future endeavours.
Please know that the canteen will remain closed for the reminder of the Term. There will be no access to lunch orders or emergency lunches.
If you know of anyone who may be interested in the Canteen manager’s position please direct them to the following link.
The recruitment campaign will end tomorrow.
Sensory Playground
As you are aware, we were fortunate to secure the Local School Community Fund provided by the Federal Government and supported by David Smith MP. Along with this, and money raised by the Community Council we are excited to see this project completed.
Covid has had an impact and has caused delays in getting this project off the ground. This week, I am delighted to say, we have seen progress. The installation of the soft fall and basket swings have been completed and we are now awaiting the arrival of two tunnels. We hope to have this project completed by mid-way next term.
A big thank you to Mr Jeff Alcock who has been working tirelessly on his own to complete this project. It is certainly a big task. If you are able to offer any assistance during the day, your support would be warmly welcomed. Please contact the office. It would be great to get the help of our parent community with this project. Our children will certainly benefit from this.
Satisfaction Survey
This year, a ‘Parent Satisfaction Survey’ was distributed to all parents via email from Catholic Education. This information is used to assist the school in parental perceptions and used to assist us for planning for the future.
The parent satisfaction survey was undertaken in August 2020. Invitations containing a link to the on-line survey instrument were sent to all parents. 178 of the 594 parents completed the survey (30% completion rate is considered satisfactory).
Below are some results:
The colour indicates the level of satisfaction with green being highly satisfied. It is great to see the level of satisfaction surrounding our school. The teachers work very hard to ensure that all children are happy, safe and learning whilst at school.
1 Dhaura Class Mass
Thank you to Father Andrew who celebrated a beautiful Mass with 1 Dhaura in their classroom last week.
The children had a great experience of Mass. They asked Father Andrew so many questions. He told them an interesting story about how Jesus became lost in the temple. The children loved that as they had already spent some time studying that story and didn't realise there was more to learn about it! They learnt that the word 'Amen' means 'I agree' and also what an altar is. Thanks Father Andrew!
First Eucharist Congratulations!
Congratulations to Oliver Ploesser from 6 Kanbi who celebrated his First Eucharist last Sunday! It was very special.
We are looking forward to Confirmation Masses for St Francis of Assisi Year 6 students which will be celebrated next week on Thursday 24th September at 5.30 pm and 7:00 pm. There will be about 15 student candidates at each Mass. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, only 100 people can attend each Mass. This includes those officiating at the Mass. Therefore, each family can have up to 5 members attending which includes the student. Families have been asked to contact Gail Walker at Corpus Christi Parish directly on 6291 6688 or with the number of people attending for their family.
All Year Six students enjoyed a glorious Retreat Day here at school last Thursday. They participated in a range of opportunities to deepen and express their understanding of Catholic scripture and community values in preparation to celebrate Confirmation next Thursday.
Confirmation Retreat Day - By Jaylan W
On the 10th of September 2020, Year 6 had our amazing retreat day. It was a great day full of fun activities. To start the day off, we had a Year Six Mass celebrated with Fr James in our School hall. Ms Conroy had planned the whole day. After recess, we had some activities to do in groups with our teachers. We did a guided meditation, made doves, made a stole and Mr Smith told us about his Confirmation. To finish the day, we opened our hopes and dreams letters our parents had written for us. The whole day was really fun and a great experience for me and for the grade.
Confirmation Retreat Day - By Felicity R
The Confirmation Retreat day was really fun and enjoyable because I was able to learn more about confirmation and why we do it. First, we had a mass that Fr taught us more about the Holy Spirit and us growing up in the eyes of the Catholic community. We also did rotations and did some meditations that were helping us prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Our teachers also spoke to us about preparing ourselves for next year in high school and how to handle it all, as well as helping us make the final change to our stoles. At the end of the day we got our hopes and dreams letters from our parents and they told us what they hope we end up doing and how we have become who we are today.
Confirmation Retreat Day Reflection - By Rebecca C
On Thursday week 8, we went on a Confirmation retreat day. I really enjoyed the art and the hopes and dreams letters. The art was really fun and it was different to the other art that we do at school. The hopes and dreams letter was really fun and it made me really happy. My mum and my dad both wrote me a separate letter. I read my dad's first letter and it was lovely. It made me cry. Then I read my mums. It also made me cry. So in conclusion I had a great day and my mum and dad made me feel really special.
A reminder that tomorrow is 'Spring Day' and students may wear free clothes to school - think bright spring colours to celebrate the positive change in the weather!
Donations of 'potted colour' to brighten up our gardens are welcome but not mandatory.
We are looking forward to a fun filled day on Friday to celebrate Spring and the children's achievements this term.
A reminder that the canteen is closed on Friday 18 September, Thursday 24 September and Friday 25 September.
We would like to thank all the volunteers who have helped us over the years - whether it was occasionally or on a regular basis, your help was most appreciated.
We would like to especially thank Belinda Stewart who has been helping us every Thursday and Friday this term.
Sue and Jo
Canteen Managers
Thank you to those families who have settled their Term 3 school fee accounts.
A reminder that Term 3 fees are now overdue and payment as soon as possible would be much appreciated.
If you require a copy of your school fee statement please let me know and I can email one through.
Kind regards
Susan Rowell
We have a Woollies 'green bag' in the office with items of clothing, a pencil case with the name 'Sophie' on it and a variety of toys and trinkets too.
Please give us a call if you think this bag belongs to you or someone you know!
Due to an increase in the price of hats from our supplier, we will now be selling school hats for $20.00 each at the front office.
This is the same price as Savvy but with the added convenience of having the hats available at the office. Payment may be made by cash, QKR or EFTPOS.
School Photo Day - Monday 19 October 2020
Our rescheduled School Photo Day will be held on Monday 19 October (Monday of Week 2).
Photo envelopes for each student have been sent home today. Online ordering is the preferred payment method using the unique 'shoot key' assigned to each child.
Spare envelopes are available in the front office if required. Spare envelopes do not have a shoot key - any parent requiring a shoot key for their child will have to call MSP on 6255 9208 or email to obtain the shoot key (for example separated families needing extra envelopes or misplaced envelopes).
Sibiling envelopes are available at the front office if required. A discount applies to families with three or more children. After purchasing individual packs for each child, a sibilings presentation pack of your choice will be free. Only children who present a siblings order form to the photographer on photo day will have their family/sibilings photo taken.
All children are to wear full summer uniform for photo day - no sports uniform on this day please!
Book Week has been rescheduled to Term 4 from Monday 19 to Friday 23 October 2020.
Further information about book week activities and the book week parade will be communicated closer to the time.
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